Find out how our professional training and learning tools can improve the results of couples treatment.
Take a training or two or, if you want to specialize, go on to Gottman certification as a couples psychotherapist. Discover the most appropriate professional training to strengthen your knowledge about relationships and know how to best support your patients.
In the Training Level 1 you will find all the information about Dr. John Gottman's research and his theory The House of Solid Relationship. You will also learn assessment and intervention techniques to manage couple conflicts, deepen dialogue and increase intimacy.
In Training Level 2 you will be able to deepen your knowledge about Dr. Gottman's Theory through group practices of the main interventions of the Method guided and supervised by certified trainers from the Gottman Institute. In addition, you will be able to incorporate into the work with couples the complexities of intervention with comorbidities such as Mood Disorders, substance use, domestic violence, infidelity or trauma.
In Training Level 3 you will be able to increase your intervention skills through group practices supervised by certified trainers from the Gottman Institute. In addition, you will be able to work with your own videos or recordings of sessions authorized by your patients. If you decide to continue with the Certification, the Gottman Institute will assign you a supervisor who will accompany you throughout the entire process, helping you to improve your work.
At any point in your training process, you can access the supervision provided by therapists authorized by the Gottman Institute to accompany you to improve your work.