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Sybila Ma. Latorre

Sybila Ma. Latorre

  • Licenciada en Psicología por la Universidad Católica del Uruguay.
  • Psicoterapeuta de adultos y parejas.
  • Supervisora en el área clínica.
  • Terapeuta Certificada en Método Gottman.
  • Entrenadora de Talleres el Arte y Ciencia de Amar.

English and Spanish Attention

He has specialized in the area of clinical psychology (Health area). She has been an adult psychotherapist since 1997. Since her training and work dynamics, she has been integrating various forms of therapeutic approach to respond more effectively and briefly to the demand that is presented to her.

She was trained in Neo-Linguistic Programming, integrated the social systemic approach, specializing in the area of Energy Body Psychotherapy, Trauma Treatment Techniques (EMDR, Advanced Techniques) and Mindfulness. Since 2011 she has been working specifically with couples based on the Gottman Model based on scientific evidence (she has been certified as a therapist and trainer of workshops for couples at the Gottman Institute, USA).

She supervises psychotherapists in the clinical area.

She Provides face-to-face therapy for couples in: Uruguay and Chile. She performs this task through video calls to other Latin American countries (including the marathon modality -several sessions in a row-).

He has been coordinating the workshops for couples: "Rediscovering the pleasure of being together", "Creating connection in the couple and "The Art and Science of Loving" in: Uruguay (Salto and Montevideo) and in Chile (Santiago de Chili).

The processes at the individual and group level are within a framework of: Respect, acceptance, promotion of empathy, hope, and humor (to achieve the goals that are set) in an environment of tolerance and compassion.

Having as primary objective, through emotional connection, to promote in couples the skills that develop relationships: harmonious, safe, enjoyable and long-lasting.

she has coordinated workshops for pairs of parents:
“Emotional Training for Parents” (the heart of parenthood).


  • Training young people in alternation.
  • Publications Cinterfor / ILO –CECAP; THE ABROJO, 2004.
  • Domestic violence in the couple and ways of approaching it.
  • (1997). UCUDAL Montevideo, 1997.